Daniele Geronzi

Ruolo: Partner
Ufficio: Milano
Lingue: Inglese, Italiano

Daniele Geronzi è co-responsabile del dipartimento di Contezioso, Arbitrati e ADR e vanta oltre venti anni nel settore. Assiste primarie istituzioni finanziarie e società multinazionali in contenziosi complessi e multigiurisdizionali, principalmente nelle materie del diritto commerciale, diritto finanziario, diritto societario e diritto fallimentare. Presta la propria attività sia dinanzi organi giurisdizionali ordinari che in sede di arbitrati, nazionali e internazionali, istituzionali e ad hoc.

Daniele vanta una significativa esperienza nel contenzioso finanziario, anche transfrontaliero, con particolare riferimento al contenzioso su contratti derivati, in relazione al quale ha avuto modo di assistere clienti in alcuni dei casi più noti, nonché nel contenzioso regolamentare dinanzi all’autorità giudiziaria, alla Consob e alla Banca d’Italia. Fornisce altresì assistenza nel contenzioso ordinario, cautelare e arbitrale in materia energy e relativa contrattualistica (SPA, EPC, O&M e correlate garanzie).

È esperto nel diritto della navigazione aerea, assistendo alcuni tra i leader mondiali nel lease di aeromobili nei loro rapporti, contenziosi e commerciali, con le principali aereolinee italiane.

Daniele è inoltre particolarmente attivo nel diritto fallimentare e nel restructuring, prestando la propria assistenza a banche, fondi d’investimento e società multinazionali nelle maggiori procedure fallimentari, concordatarie e di amministrazione straordinaria.

Ha co-difeso con successo una nota multinazionale produttrice di tabacco nella prima class action proposta in Italia per danni da fumo. Prima di entrare in Legance, Daniele ha collaborato per molti anni con un primario studio internazionale, presso le sedi di Roma e di Londra. Presso la sede romana è stato responsabile del dipartimento di contenzioso e diritto fallimentare. È avvocato dal 2001 ed avvocato cassazionista dal 2014.

Daniele Geronzi è menzionato in Chambers and Partners come segue: “He is an exceptional lawyer with extraordinary technical skills. He supports the client at every stage of the litigation. His personal skills, in addition to his technical ones, make him my first choice“, “Daniele Geronzi is a refined professional, extremely competent and with a remarkable overview. He is always available, attentive to details, precise, and above all always achieves results” (2023), “He is a problem solver and provides the best solutions even in complex situations, guiding the client towards significant goals and accomplishments. He understands the client’s needs and is very well known in the market” (2022), “a problem solver with great knowledge of his areas of expertise” (2021) e “highly skilled and knowledgeable lawyer” (2020).

È inoltre citato come Leading Individual in The Legal 500 che riferisce: “I would certainly like to mention Daniele Geronzi as a stand out partner. Daniele is an excellent and brilliant litigator, able to present the best solutions to the client quickly. He is able to combine a deep knowledge of the law with the client’s business needs. He is efficient, fast thinking and very knowledgeable. He has extensive litigation experience, which enables him to achieve the best result in every situation”, I mention in particular Daniele Geronzi and the team are specialists in bankruptcy law and procedures” (2023), “Daniele Geronzi is one of the best lawyers one can worked with. Competent, available, brilliant, he always has a solution to the problem. Daniele Geronzi and his team are distinguished by their exceptional competence, and the ability to solve problems” (2022), “Daniele Geronzi is a serious, competent, reliable professional with great negotiation and relationship skills. One of the best professionals in the industry”, “Daniele Geronzi stands out for the speed with which he is able to provide solutions to even complex issues and for the quality of the assistance provided. He is always present on individual cases and is able to provide the client with real support, with a concrete and business-oriented approach aimed at solving problems”, “Daniele Geronzi is a unique professional, even if compared to colleagues of equal seniority from other leading law firms. His presence on the projects is constant and concrete, not occasional, not delegated mostly to junior staff, but in constant accompaniment both to his collaborators and to his customers. Human sensitivity combined with empathy and excellent technical skills” (2021), “Daniele Geronzi has extensive experience in litigation. He is proactive, responsive and commercially oriented, as well as extremely bright, fast thinking and knowledgeable on all technicalities of dispute resolution” (2020), “Daniele Geronzi is one of the best partners around in the context of restructuring files. His big effort and continual availability for the client’s needs are much appreciated. It makes the client feel supported all the time on every single aspect of the file” (2020); è “thorough legal professional” (2018).

Dal 2015, Daniele è stato incluso in fascia A all’interno dei Report Energy e Finance stilati annualmente da Legalcommunity, come Partner attivo in importanti contenziosi nell’ambito Energy e Finance.